College Application Essay
We’re Going To Help You Craft an Extraordinary Application and Phenomenal Essays!
더킹스아카데미는 수업에 참가한 재원생 위주로 최상위권 및 학생들이 원하는 대학(미주, 영국, 싱가폴, 홍콩) 에 합격할 수 있도록
"입학원서 에세이 서비스 (COLLEGE APPLICATION ESSAY SERVICE)"를 제공하고 있습니다.
해당 프로그램은 총 6개의 Process로 진행합니다.
** Please familiarize yourself with the terrain before applying to this service. (US - Common App, Coalition App, UC system, Texas System)
(UK - UCAS) (Asia, - Singapore, Hongkong - university website)
School List 및 지원전략 10-15개 학교 / Top20대학 Top50 종합대 아이비리그 컨설팅 / College Private counseling / UC 컨설팅
** 홈페이지에 리트스된 선생님들 이외에 별도의 아이비리그 출신 사립학교 및 유명 학원 근무15년 경력 이상의 consultant분들께 상담 가능. 별도문의 바람
Process 1
Select a 'Essay Expert'
Please contact Kakotalk Channel to find a suitable essay expert according to each student's dream major, university and personal schedule.
Our unrivaled essay experts know what admissions officers look for. We will help create impactful and spectacular applicatiions for each student.
Process 2
Construct a Plan.
1. Fnd the prompt that can best showcase
student's strength.
2. Start brainstorming & outlining.
( we will get to know about the student's background in depth to formulate a narrative that exemplifies the student's unique background)
Process 3
A Throrough Outline
1. A detailed preliminary outline will be completed in this process.
2. This is going to be the basis for the first draft.
Process 4
First Draft & First Revision
Essay Organization
Sentence Structure
- We assess the draft and give specific feedback to the student.
Process 5
Second Draft & Revision
1. The student needs to make necessary changes until the next meeting.
2. We repeat the revision process one more time.
3. Students can request this process several times if necessary.
Process 6
Final Draft & Polishing (Final Touches)
We ideally do not look at the final version of the essay for a few days.
Then, we review and polish the final version with a fresh perspective.
Strategy. Expertise. Results.
Personalized guidance
Providing guidance that is tailored to students' unique needs.
Quality guaranteed
Giving specific, precise and thorough and feedback.
Holistic Approach
Being excel at every type of college essays platforms and question types (Common App, Coalition App, UC system, Texas System, UCAS, Main Essay, Supplemntary Essay, Personal Statement).
Calm the worries
Ready to sympathize with students and work together.