King's Team

국제학교 선생님 출신, 유학파 Sky 출신, 해외 명문대 출신 경력 5년-15년이상 수업성과가 좋으신 선생님들께서만 수업을 진행하시며,

학생개별적으로 숙제관리, 피드백 및 수업방향을 지속적으로 설정 변경해가며 수업을 진행합니다.

Lydia Kim


- University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne M.A (Education)

- W**** High School, UK 

(Grammar School, middle and high school math teacher )

- SAT math , AP Calculus AB,BC

- AMC 8,10,12  

- IGCSEA Level. (Core Maths, Further Maths, Mechanics, Statistics)

- UKMT ( Junior, Intermediate, Senior)

Kate Cho


- University of British Columbia Mathematics B.A 

- (전) 압구정 로****

- 대치 M**  에듀케이션

- MAP test Prep

- Elementary, Middle, High school Mathematics 

- GCSE, IB Math(AA,AI) SL, HL 

- SAT , ACT, AP (Calculus AB,BC)

- AMC8.10,12

Taesung Lee


- Imperial College London

Electrical and Electronic Engineering B.A & MSc

- 스** 에듀케이션

-IB, AP Physics 

- SAT Math , AMC8.10,12

- AP Calculus,Statistics 

- IB Math(AA,AI)   SL, HL 

- IGCSE, A Level. (Core Maths, Further Maths, Mechanics, Statistics)

- UKMT ( Junior, Intermediate, Senior)

 Owen Jin


- The Ohio State University 

 - Elementary School, Middle School, High School Math 

 - SAT Math

 - AP Calculus AB, BC 

- AMC 8,10

Jack Heo


- Yonsei University Mechanical Engineering B.A

- Middle School, High School Math

- SAT math

- AP Calculus AB, BC

- AMC8,10,12

- 한국수학
